They are both lovely, open minded people who work with you to ensure your child’s needs are met. My son loved them and still always fondly of them both. Thank you Severine and Valentine!
Severine and Valentine have been wonderful with her and a great support to me and her dad helping us weaning her as well as potty training her.

Childcare providers
Our passion is providing Quality Childcare

Severine Felix
Severine qualified with a NNEB Dipolma in 1997. She began her childcare career as a Nursery Nurse working in day nurseries.
Severine ended her day nursery career after having advanced in her role to a Deputy Manager working alongside managers to run day nurseries and council owned nurseries.
Severine has been an OFSTED Registered Childminder since 2005. Severine undertakes weekly childcare training as part of her continuous professional development.
She is a mother of two.

Roche Felix
Childminder Assistant
Valentine, Severine's mother retired from childcare in 2022. Severine now works alongside her daughter Roche as her childminding assistant.
Roche is begining her childcare career, she is currently studying Early Years Child Development Training provided by The Department of Education.
Roche also undertakes weekly childcare training as part of her continuous professional development.
The childminders undertake regular training in the Early Years Foundation Stage to enhance their skills.
Here is a combined list of their qualifications and their continuing professional development.
Cache Diploma in Nursery Nursing, NNEB
Cache Level 3 Certificate of Professional Development in work with Children and Young People
Cache Level 3 in Childminding Practice
Planning for under 3's
The Revised EYFS
Level 2 Award in Food Safety in Catering
Safeguarding, Child Protection Awareness
Starting out- Supporting Children's Emotions & Well being
Paediatric First Aid
FT Schemas
Developmental Concerns
ADHD Awareness
Learning through Play
Improving Children's Learning through Play
Working with Others
Working with Parents
Supporting Children's Home Learning
Daily Routines in the Early Years
Working with Babies
Teaching Boys and Girls
Teaching 1 & 2 year old's
Teaching 2 & 3 year old's
Teaching 3 & 4 year old's
The Role of the SENCO
Supporting children with Special Educational Needs
Learning & Development Early Years Foundation Stage
Coronavirus Risk Assessment
Health & Safety
The Outside Curriculum
Resources to Promote Early Learning
Risky Play in the Early Years
Welcoming New Parents - Coronavirus
Cultural Capital
Attachment and the Key Person Role
EYFS - A Blended Curriculum
Driving your Business through a Pandemic
EYFS and Development Matters 2020
EYFS Reforms: Designing your Curriculum
Staff Safeguarding Training
EYFS Reforms: Quality Teaching
EYFS Reforms: Sequenced Curriculum
Ofsted and the Curriculum
Data Protection Refresher
Teach so Children Remember
2021 Curriculum
Safeguarding Refresher
Introduction to Development Matters 2020
Teaching in 2021
Curriculum in 2021
Observation in 2021
Assessment in 2021
Child Development -part 1
Child Development -part 2
Core experiences in the early years
Writing your Safeguarding policy
Ofsted Inspection in 2021 -part 1
Ofsted Inspection in 2021 -part 2
Ofsted Inspection and Teaching in 2021
Ofsted Inspection print list
The Educational Programmes in 2021
The Learning Characteristics in 2021
Pedagogy and Practice in 2021
Planning in 2021
Starting Points in 2021
Ofsted Inspections from September 2021
Updates to Early Years Foundation Stage
Oral Health
The 3 I's and Cultural Capital
Children's Character, Interests and Talents
Core Books for the Early Years
Healthy Eating in the Early Years
Changes to EYFS from September 2021